Gold Stat-ing Weapons/Armor Question

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Gold Stat-ing Weapons/Armor Question

Post by Wraith »

Ok so I've bought I don't know how many orange upgrade books (and advanced orange upgrade books - couldn't find any tomes) and it is stuck on this one level which I can only assume is the last level that puts you into gold. I keep failing at it no matter how many advanced upgrade books I use. Is there another item I need to get a gold stat on an item in this version? Or am I just extremely unlucky?

EDIT: I checked the weapon itself (didn't know it said on it) and it is 8/10 orange stat. So this isn't even the last level I'm trying to get to...its the 9/10 one. WTF?
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Re: Gold Stat-ing Weapons/Armor Question

Post by Leirosa »

AFAIK Tomes are not available on this version, so the advanced books are the best upgrade books you can get on here. Personally to save money I use the regular books until about 7 then switch to the advanced books for the higher levels, but sometimes luck is just not with you. The magic side of my wand had almost no fails, but then I did the phys side and I had a ton of fails and it really made me pay for it (I question whether it was really worth it for the minimal bonus on that side).

Unless you do gold transfer from another weapon, you are pretty much stuck with the books you have been using.
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