Crescendolls' Picking Your Habitat/Defining Your Habitat

Backups of original guides from DoMO forums of the past. The majority of these were backed up from posts on before its domain expired (most of which were originally retrieved from Aeria by Angitia and Aaron). Extremely old.
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Crescendolls' Picking Your Habitat/Defining Your Habitat

Post by Leirosa »

Taken from here. Retrieved by Angitia.
Author: Crescendolls
Crescendolls wrote:Image
DISCLAIMER: Information in this guide may not be fully accurate, or may go against your
RECENT UPDATE: Defining Your Habitat is now included in the download file, as of December 22, 2009!

Table of Contents: 0,0
0,0 -- Table of Contents
1,0 -- Picking Your Habitat
2,0 -- Defining your Habitat
3,0 -- Download Links
4,0 -- History
5,0 -- Special Thanks
6,0 -- Spectrum Codes
  • 6,1 -- Easy to Unlock
    6,2 -- Moderate to Unlock
    6,3 -- Difficult to Unlock
7,0 -- Roaming Your Habitat (not available)

Picking Your Habitat: 1,0
Almost exactly 8 months after starting this guide, it is finally done. Picking Your Habitat is an Excel guide that takes your level, class, and solo/party preference to recommend a couple places where you can level. The guide also tells you two tips, details or facts that will further help you. With nearly 15,000 words in the entire guide, this guide will keep spitting new information at you, whether you like it or not o.o .

This guide isn't all about information, however. There are nearly 60 different color schemes, or spectrums, that Excel 2007 and more recent users can pick from. This doesn't really affect your results, but a new guide color can make a world of difference, kind of.

Before you download, please take some time to read the history of this guide. You may also want to take a peek at the spectrum codes, or read other things on this post.

Defining Your Habitat: 2,0
Over a year after this guide was designed, part two is now complete. Defining Your Habitat is the second part of an Excel guide that takes any in game location (sans lair maps), and displays information about this map. In conjunction with Picking Your Habitat, this guide can help you pick the leveling location right for you. With nearly 2,500 words in this section and over 250 statistics for all maps collectively, this guide is armed with tools to help you find your perfect habitat.

Like in Picking Your Habitat, this section features the Mystery Field. However, it is not yet fully functional. Despite this, some codes from Picking Your Habitat will work, but there may be errors in displaying the colors correctly.

Download Links: 3,0

Latest Full Size Version:
Click here to download - Excel 2007 or more recent highly recommended.

Download Size: 599.1KB

Full size download includes:
Version 4.10 Picking Your Habitat
Version 3.00 Defining Your Habitat
Version 1.50 Selecting Your Habitat (Not fully developed)

Compact-size Latest Version:
Click here to download - Excel 2007 or more recent highly recommended.

Download Size: 697.2KB.1KB

Compact-size download includes:
Version 4.10 Picking Your Habitat
Version 3.00 Defining Your Habitat
Version 1.50 Selecting Your Habitat (Not fully developed)

History: 4,0
Back in November 2008, Picking Your Habitat was born. Crescendolls created a little Excel Guide, called The Leveling Spot Locator (or something like that)(Version 1). The guide was then passed on to Exomega255 for testing and constructive criticism. He wanted the guide to be more accurate, so instead of there being 120 different information cells, there should be 60*14*2, or 1,680 (levels 5-65 times number of classes in DoMO times leveling style(solo/party)). Obviously this was nearly impossible, especiall when the number was tripled to include 2 tips for the user. Instead with the help of NA DoMO Skill Plan Guide Writer Onishi, a new format was created that split the classes into three groups, physical, magical and classes that had elements of both groups (Version 2). All was going well, until Onishi sadly quit. A couple months down the line, Crescendolls was filling in information when suddenly, a bug was found. Glyth came in to the resque and fixed the bug, and allowed for the guide to go for the home stretch (Version 3). Sadly, another bug was found, but a preview version was able to be released. After the release of Bigbeam and Witch Doctor, and other small updates to the guide, Crescendolls created the Witch Doctor Skill Planner using the VLOOKUP formula. After tampering with the formula, it was discovered that it could be used in Picking Your Habitat as well (Version 4).

Special Thanks: 5,0
Picking Your Habitat:
Exomega255 for helpful feedback and early stage testing
Onishi for help with starting formulas and layout
Burnashe for help with solo magic class data
Glyth for help with later stage formula working and error reporting

Spectrum Codes: 6,0
Each spectrum name is given below, along with the correspinding code. The code comes first, followed by a "-", then the spectrum name. To enter these and make them work, place them into the Mystery Field slot. Note that you must have Excel 2007 or more recent to take full advantage of this function. Have fun!

[ ] represents something else. ([a fruit that is green and red] = watermelon)
+ combine twos or more things. (card + board = cardboard)
- takes away something. (lemon - mon = le)
_ is a letter that you are not given. (M _ L _ N = melon (notice that the letters are upper cased just to make it easier to read))
Sequel means to take a code from earlier and place a number after it. Be very careful about spaces between words! ("melon" would be "melon 2" in the sequel)
If there isn't a symbol between two words, be sure to put a space between them.

Easy to Unlock: 6,1
red - red spectrum
green - green spectrum
the waves are calling - blue wave spectrum
pink - pink spectrum
gold - gold spectrum
monochrome - monochrome 1 spectrum (OpenOffice/Old Excel Recommended)
monochrome 2 - monochrome 2 spectrum
italics - italic text edit
shallow waters - blue 2 spectrum (OpenOffice/Old Excel Recommended)
heat wave - red 2 spectrum(OpenOffice/Old Excel Recommended)
bold view - bold text edit
blue clouds - light blue spectrum
buzy bee - black/yellow spectrum (OpenOffice/Old Excel Recommended)
openoffice - default spectrum for OpenOffice and Old Excel (OpenOffice/Old Excel Recommended)
dampen - backgroun modification (light blue)

Moderately Difficult to Unlock: 6,2
gradient ice - ice spectrum and logo modification (I C E)
[a time period] + fall - dark spectrum
bumble + [a bug] - black/yellow spectrum
[something to the power of -1] - inverted spectrum (monochrome) (OpenOffice/Old Excel Recommended)
[a sequel] - inverted blue spectrum
[another sequel] - inverted red spectrum
[another sequel] - inverted green spectrum
a guide with no _ O R _ E _ S - borders removed edit
a W H O _ E lot of typos - cross out text edit
[the second server] - turquoise spectrum
black and white [a radio with motion picture] - black/white monochrome spectrum (OpenOffice/Old Excel Recommended)
[a green lemon] power - light green spectrum
rose [another word for backyard. Usually associated with flowers] - pink 2 spectrum (OpenOffice/Old Excel Recommended)
[opposite of light] + fall - black/blue spectrum (OpenOffice/Old Excel Recommended)
[what dracula is] delight - black/red spectrum (OpenOffice/Old Excel Recommended)
sand + thunderstorm - thunder - sand spectrum (OpenOffice/Old Excel Recommended)
[the second RATATAT album] - black/tan spectrum (OpenOffice/Old Excel Recommended)
oranges are not O R _ _ G E - orange spectrum
[a word for very bright colors] mindset - gray/neon sepctrum (OpenOffice/Old Excel Recommended)
invert [opposite for foreground] - background modification (black)
[a firm that works with cloth may be involved in this industry] - checkered blue spectrum
[the source of the NYM] - checkered red spectrum

Difficult to Unlock: 6,3
[a green and red fruit] P A _ _ Y - green/red spectrum
purple swirling D _ _ I G _ T - purple spectrum
[opposite of moonshine] on the H _ _ _ Z _ N - yellow/tan spectrum
office enhanced F _ _ M _ L A - monochrome 3 spectrum
go green or B _ _ _ - green 2 spectrum
heavy metal [a type of metal that starts with a t] - monochrome 4 spectrum
S P E _ _ F _ _ D light show - yellow spectrum
my [an organ on a human face, plural] are dim - crystal spectrum
[a sequel] - ruby spectrum
[another sequel] - black onyx spectrum
generic [100-99+5-2-3] - logo modification (y-axis flip)
[a sequel] - logo modification (arrows)
[a sequel] - logo modification (truck)
[An abbreviation associated with this guide] - black/blue spectrum and logo modification (PYH)
count [abbreviation]+ (-cula) - black/red spectrum
little [a color] people from outer space - black/green spectrum
pink is the new [color] - pink/blue spectrum
fuzzy blue lights - [the artist that made this song] - blue crystal spectrum
roses and [color]+berries - black/pink spectrum
L E _ _ N S in a sea of B L _ _ - blue/yellow spectrum
[something you put on your pants when they get ripped, plural] - rainbow spectrum (OpenOffice/Old Excel Recommended)
[the tip of an arrow, one word] - logo modification (red/yellow extended arrow)
[a math equation for the unit circle] - logo modification (a math function and o.o)
[the item that sunk the Titanic] - ice 2 spectrum
gaxa [another word for scheme] - orange/purple spectrum
pale as a L _ _ F - gray/light green spectrum
neo- + [a type of old music] - inverted neon spectrum
[an economic mindset. Two words connected with a -] 2 - inverted neon spectrum 2
neon [a show that involves light] - inverted neon yellow spectrum
[a nickname for Crescendolls] - dark blue spectrum
[a very very big sea] in the dark - inverted neon blue spectrum
[what happens when Softstar rushes things, not plural] - error spectrum

Roaming Your Habitat: 7,0
coming soon

Mod Edit: Stickied.. I swear I had already stickied this...
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